A unique range of tools
We have developed some tools to help piano technicians, enhance precision, and make their work easier. Discover them on this page!
To purchase them, feel free to contact our distributors in Europe and the United States.
Hammer head Protractor
Noticing that there was no precise tool to measure the horizontal drilling angle of hammers in relation to the strings, we developed a new tool that offers maximum precision and is extremely easy to use. It is compatible with all types of hammers, whether for upright or grand pianos.
In the video shown here, you can see how to position the tool on the hammer shank and how to read the hammer head angle (in degrees).
​For more information, check out this article on the basics of action design and how to use this tool. You can also download the user manual here.
Fake hammer head
This tool helps measure the exact angle between the hammer shank and the strings. It screws onto a new shank in place of the hammer head. The upper part is adjustable, and once installed in the piano, you are supposed to ajust it to face the strings. Then you simply use the scale above to read the angle value.
This is the most precise and reliable method for determining the drilling angle.
​For more information, check out this article on the basics of action design and how to use this tool. You can also download the user manual here.
Rake angle Protractor
This tool helps measure the vertical angle between the shank and the hammer head. Start by drawing a line on your hammer. Then place the tool on the shank, on either side, and align the edge of the tool (or the groove, depending on the version of the tool you have) with the line. You can then read the value, typically 90° or 91°.
​For more information, check out this article on the basics of action design and how to use this tool. You can also download the user manual here.
Grand Damper's Square
This square is designed for adjusting dampers on grand pianos. It is small, lightweight, and very stable because it has a small magnet underneath that helps it stay in place on the strings. This allows you to check that the damper moves perfectly vertically, enabling you to correct the bends on the damper wire.
This tool will be available shortly from our partner in Belgium, Taffijn Piano Supply. and from our friend Australia Piano Supply. Don't miss it!